Davullar çalınsın, kırk gün kırk gece bayram yapılsın; alemlerin otobur kralının dönüşü muhteşem oldu. Artık gay mey idare edivericeksiniz anacım, adam efsane oldu. En azından şu suluköftenizin hayatına ve halet-i ruhiyesine en uygun kıyak şarkıları yapmış adam, daha ne yapsın! Ne yapacak, çok yaşasın!!!
Şimdi gelelim Moz'un son bombasına: evet kuzucuklarım, bu dünya "there is a light that never goes out"u gördü, "the more you ignore me, the closer I get"i dinledi... İşte karşınızda yeni mest olma aracı; Mr. Morrissey ve You Have Killed Me!
Pasolini is me
'Accattone' you'll be
I entered nothing and nothing entered me
'Til you came with the key
And you did your best but
As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me
Piazza Cavour, what's my life for?
Visconti is me
Magnani you'll never be
I entered nothing and nothing entered me
'Til you came with the key
And you did your best but
As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes, I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me
Who am I that I come to be here...?
As I live and breathe
You have killed me
You have killed me
Yes I walk around somehow
But you have killed me
You have killed me
And there is no point saying this again
There is no point saying this again
But I forgive you, I forgive you
Always I do forgive you
Pasolini: Pier Paolo Pasolini, poet, director, writer, the soul of the 20th century Italian art.
Accattone: Accattone was the title of the first movie by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1961. Literally 'Accattone' means a beggar, mendicant. In Rome it also means a poor man, a man with no talent. Here Morrissey implies that the person he is speaking to will be "his first"...
Piazza Cavour: Cavour square in Prati, Rome. Just behind the Palace of Justice and very near to Lungotevere. Visconti: Luchino Visconti, famous Italian director, author of masterworks like Ossessione, Rocco e i suoi fratelli, Morte a Venezia, Il Gattopardo. He also worked a lot with Anna Magnani as she was his favourite actress. An episode directed by Visconti of the movie "Siamo Donne" was about Anna Magnani's everyday life.
Magnani: Anna Magnani, the greatest Italian actress ever.
Boun Appetite! ;)*
2 yorum:
We might have a guest my dears, so behave yourselves! If she decides to honor us, our guest will be katy towell, the crookedsixpence from deviant art as you all know her. It turns out that she is a fellwo blogger too, you can welcome her at katytheterrible.blogspot.com
p.s. sevgili crookedsixpence'imize ufak bir mail ve de comment attım, hani biz de buradayız diye. olur da ziyaretimize gelirse diye de şu okumuş olduğunuz mesajı yazıyorum ahan da buraya. malum misafiri iyi karşılamak gerekir (ve fekat blogun çoğunu anlayamayacak ne yazık ki, ah şu Babil gazabı yok mu!) ;)*
helal çekirge, zıplamaya devam! ;)*
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